
Tempered glass

Tempered glass
Tempered glass

Tempered glass is the glass that heats the float glass to near the softening temperature and then cools it evenly and quickly with air so that the glass surface has uniform compressive stress. In the rapid cooling process, the outside of the glass is solidified due to rapid cooling, and the internal cooling of the glass is slower, when the internal material of the glass is cooled and contracted, the glass surface produces compressive stress, and the glass interior produces tensile stress, so that the mechanical strength of the glass is multiplied and has good thermal stability.


◆ Safety: quenching makes the glass produce compressive stress to improve the strength, so it is not easy to break by impact, even if the broken pieces are obtuse Angle, it will not cause harm to the human body.

◆ High strength: the bending strength is 3-5 times that of ordinary glass, and the impact strength is 5-8 times that of ordinary glass.

◆ Wind pressure resistance: the strongest wind pressure resistance, 1.5-3 times that of ordinary glass.

◆ Heat shock: thermal shock resistance is 3 times that of ordinary glass.

Scope of application:

Tempered glass is a safety glass, widely used in places with high mechanical strength and safety requirements, such as glass doors, building curtain walls, indoor partitions, elevators, Windows, building doors and Windows, furniture, home appliances, etc.


◆ Size: Max. 3300 X 12000mm; Minimum 300mm X 300mm

◆ Thickness: 4-19mm

Bend tempered glass specifications

◆ Thickness: 5mm-19mm

◆ Maximum size: 2400mm X 6000mm

◆ Minimum size: 800mmX 460mm

◆ Minimum bending radius: 1200mm

Quality standard:

◆ Comply with GB15763.2-2005 "tempered glass" national standard

◆ Passed the National Safety glass mandatory certification CCC certification






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