
Laminated glass

Laminated glass
Laminated glass

Laminated glass is a composite glass made by high temperature and high pressure processing with a tough polyvinyl butyral (PVB) intermediate film sandwiczed between the glass. The toughness of PVB film is very good, when the laminated glass is broken by an external force, the film layer will absorb a lot of impact energy, and make it rapidly attenuated a laminated glass is difficult to be broken, even if the laminated glass is broken, the glass fragments basically adhere to the film, keep the whole laminated glass fragments do not fall off, so it becomes a real sense of safety glass.


◆ Safety: Due to the strong toughness bond between PVB film and glass, whether vertical or inclined installation can withstand external impact and prevent penetration. Once the glass is destroyed, its fragments will still stick together with the intermediate membrane, which can avoid personal injury or property damage caused by the glass fall, and the whole glass remains intact, which can continue to withstand impact and shelter from wind and rain.

◆ Control of ultraviolet rays: PVB film has the function of filtering ultraviolet rays, PVB intermediate film can absorb at least 99.5% of ultraviolet rays. The special PVB film can also make the laminated glass have the function of controlling sunlight transmission and preventing eyes. This protects indoor furniture, plastic products, textiles, carpets, art, collectibles from fading and aging caused by ultraviolet radiation.

◆ Decorative effect: The interlayer can be placed in the cloud dragon paper or can print various patterns of PET film, can create elegant decorative effect.

◆ Heat insulation and energy saving: it can effectively reduce sunlight transmission and reduce refrigeration energy consumption.

◆ Bulletproof and explosion-proof: The initial property of PVB is very good, can absorb and withstand the impact energy generated by bullets or even bomb explosions, so that bullets or shrapnel can not penetrate.

Scope of application:

Due to the characteristics of laminated glass, it is widely used in building doors and Windows, curtain walls, ceilings, elevated floors, furniture, Windows, counters, aquariums, and large front glass walls.


◆ Maximum size: 3300X9000mm

◆ Original thickness: 5mm-19mm

◆ Film thickness: 0.38mm and multiples of 0.38mm

Quality standard:

◆ Comply with GB15763.3-2009 national standard

◆ Passed the National Safety glass mandatory certification CCC certification






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