
Insulating glass

Insulating glass
Insulating glass

Insulating glass consists of two or more pieces of glass, a certain width of space is separated by an aluminum frame filled with efficient molecular sieve adsorbent, and the edge is sealed by a high-strength sealant. According to the need, ordinary transparent glass, colored glass, heat reflection coated glass, LOW-E glass, laminated glass, tempered glass, hot bending glass, etc., can be used as the substrate. The sealed air in the insulating glass, under the action of high efficiency molecular sieve adsorbent filled in the aluminum frame, becomes dry air with low thermal conductivity, thus forming a heat insulation and singing barrier. The heat insulation and sound insulation performance can be further improved by filling the space with emotional gas.


◆ Thermal performance: Thermal insulation performance is so far all glass deep processing products more ideal, can effectively reduce the heat transfer coefficient U value, if filled with atmospheric gases such as atmosphere, vapor, ammonia can further reduce the heat transfer coefficient.

◆ Sound insulation performance: ideal noise reduction material, generally hollow glass can reduce noise by about 30 dB, if filled with emotional gas can be reduced on the original basis of about 5 dB.

Low temperature no condensation: Because the spacer is filled with enough desiccant, it can effectively adsorb the water vapor that may infiltrate the inner cavity and the outside world, ensuring that the air in the inner cavity is absolutely dry.

◆ Optical performance: According to the need of substrate can choose different products flexible weaving, to achieve the required light transmission and reflectivity.

◆ Light weight: under the same condition of heat insulation effect, replacing part of the brick wall or concrete wall with insulating glass can reduce the building load and simplify the building structure.

Scope of application:

Widely used in all kinds of building curtain walls and doors and Windows, as well as interior decoration partition.


◆ Size: Max: 3300X12000mm; Minimum: 250mmX450mm

◆ Aluminum bar thickness (conventional) : 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 27mm

◆ Glass thickness: 5mm-19mm various combinations

Quality standard:

◆ Meet GB/T 11944-2012 "insulating glass" standard

◆ Passed the National Safety glass mandatory certification CCC certification






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