
What is fireproof glass?


Some places have high requirements for fire prevention, so they require the use of fireproof glass and other fireproof building materials, so what is fireproof glass? Next, Xiaobian will simply introduce it to you.

First, what is fireproof glass

This type of glass can control the spread of fire, and is usually used with products such as fireproof Windows. There are various types of fireproof glass, if we divide according to the structure, it can be divided into perfusion, sandwich, hollow, single piece of fireproof glass; If the product type, can be divided into A, B, C three categories and so on.


Second, what are the common types of glass

1, tempered glass

Tempered glass is the ordinary glass tempered treatment, so as to play the effect of product strength. This type of glass has a high safety role, when the glass is damaged by impact, the glass fragments will not be sharp corners, will not cause great harm to people. Tempered glass also has the advantages of high strength and good stability, and its strength is about 3 times higher than that of ordinary glass, but tempered glass has the risk of self-explosion.

2. Insulating glass

Insulating glass is a number of pieces of glass sealed together by sealing materials, there is a certain space between the glass, with good thermal insulation effect, good sound insulation performance, wide range of use and other advantages, such as insulating glass is widely used in office buildings, residential, train doors and Windows and other places. The more common insulating glass are tempered insulating glass, low-e insulating glass and so on.

3, frosted glass

This type of glass is sandblasted on the surface of the coated glass, so that the glass surface becomes rough. The rough surface of frosted glass can make the light form diffuse reflection, resulting in soft indoor light, but also has the advantages of light transmission and non-perspective, which can protect indoor privacy well. Frosted glass belongs to safety glass, it can not be cut again.

Xiaobian summary: About what is fireproof glass, Xiaobian will simply introduce you here. I hope that after reading this article, you can have an understanding of fireproof glass.






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