
Characteristics and efficacy of fireproof glass


Fireproof glass flame retardant materials show very low thermal conductivity, whether in low temperature and high temperature environment can adhere to outstanding thermal insulation function, fireproof glass is made of limestone stone, quartz powder and other minerals melted in the furnace after high-speed centrifugation or radiation drawing natural inorganic fiber, and then made of various products by molding equipment.

Fireproof glass also has an outstanding sound absorption effect, will not calm down, will not attack toxic gases, will not corrode, aging and other characteristics. In addition, low water absorption, excellent use in wet environment.


Fireproof glass has a high strength function: under the same thickness, its strength is 6 to 12 times that of general float glass, and 1.5 to 3 times that of tempered glass. Therefore, in the case of the same wind pressure, it can choose a thinner thickness or a larger area to depict, thereby adding permeability and reducing the cost.

High fire protection function: high strength single piece of fire protection glass is a kind of curtain wall or door and window glass with fire protection function, which can adhere to 96 ~ 183 minutes without bursting under the impact of 1000℃ flame, and then effectively hinder the extension of flame and smoke, which is conducive to the first moment to find the fire, so that everyone has to evacuate the scene.

High weather resistance: Compared with traditional grout or laminated fireproof glass, the biggest feature of high-strength monolithic fireproof glass is high weather resistance, in addition to high strength. Chemical grout or laminated glass soon becomes milky white and bubbles occur under ultraviolet irradiation, losing the basic function of glass permeability, which is also the main reason why fireproof glass cannot be used for external walls. Fireproof glass and high-strength monolithic fireproof glass with ordinary glass under ultraviolet irradiation, no change occurs.






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