
How to install fireproof glass doors and Windows is correct


Fireproof glass doors and Windows are now more and more popular in the market, we have also been more concerned about how to correctly install fireproof glass doors and Windows, the quality of the ornamental effect after installation is related to the quality and performance of the glass itself, of course, installation technology and details are also important factors affecting its performance, then how should we correctly install it?

1. Check each piece of fireproof glass before installation: whether the size is accurate, the integrity of the corners, scratches, wear, and the quantity meets the contract agreement. During the inspection process, the glass supplier logo shall not be torn off without instructions, and shall be carried out in accordance with the fire-proof glass installation instructions and drawings.

2, check the window frame body on the residue or convex hard objects, if necessary to remove.

3, the installation of gaskets on the window frame, the purpose is to waterproof and air-proof protection in the corners and connecting parts, can use rubber, wood blocks as gasket materials, and then according to the need to cut the size, the number, the standard width and thickness of the cut gasket placed on the window frame.

4, before installation, it is necessary to check whether the edge sealing glue is intact. Before leaving the factory, the edge sealing glue is used to protect the glass from the erosion of the ingredients in the glass glue. If some edge sealing glue falls off, the edge sealing glue needs to be re-filled before installation.


5, the formal installation of fireproof glass must be vertical, can not tear off the protective film.

6, the fixed fireproof glass can be installed outside the frame, pay attention to the outer frame can not touch the glass, no welding sparks burn the glass, sand or other hard objects touching the glass will cause irreparable damage.

7, need to use non-acid glass glue fixed after installation.

Precautions for daily use after installation: keep the use place dry; If the glass surface is stained with oil, it is recommended to use a wet towel or special glass cleaner to scrub, not acid cleaners. When the fireproof glass is cracked, scratched, etc., it indicates that the performance has been damaged and should be replaced in time.






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