
The difference between fireproof glass and safety glass


Safety glass is a kind of glass that is not broken after severe vibration or impact, and even if broken, it is not easy to hurt. Used for doors and Windows of automobiles, aircraft and special buildings. The building uses safety glass, which can resist the attack of bullets or rubble in a hurricane of 100 kilometers per hour, which is particularly important for modern buildings with the main glass structure. Common types of safety glass are laminated glass, tempered glass and so on. Is there a difference between fireproof glass and safety glass?

Safety glass refers to tempered glass, laminated glass and other glass products made of tempered glass or laminated glass combined with the current national standards, such as safety insulating glass. Safety glass can be made of ordinary glass, tempered glass, heat reinforced glass, and insulating glass according to different needs. Safety glass has good safety, impact resistance and penetration resistance, with anti-theft, explosion-proof, anti-impact and other functions.


In the case of fire prevention, the fire safety knowledge of fireproof glass is mainly used to control the spread of fire or smoke insulation, which is a kind of fire-proof material, and the fire resistance effect of fireproof glass is evaluated by fire resistance. It is a special glass that has been processed and treated by special technology and can maintain its integrity and heat insulation in the specified fire resistance test. The original piece of fireproof glass can be made of float flat glass, tempered glass, and composite fireproof glass can also be made of single piece of fireproof glass.

There are five main types of fireproof glass, one is laminated composite fireproof glass, the other is wire fireproof glass, the third is special fireproof glass, the fourth is hollow fireproof glass, and the fifth is high-strength single-layer cesium potassium fireproof glass.

The above is a brief description of the relevant knowledge of fireproof glass and safety glass, and I believe you have already understood it.






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